
The Stack Multiply Story

Neil Macpherson here…the tall guy with the hat and shades. Most days you can find me working in flip flops, a t-shirt and shorts. Why not?

I’m a former Army infantry Medic turned combat veteran after two tours in Iraq in 2003 and 2005.

I discovered internet marketing from a friend of mine, who was my bradly driver (like a tank) during my 2nd tour, a few years after my service ended.

When I got out of the Army and became a civlian again, I found myself working dead end jobs I hated, mostly sales related gigs I was decent at but nothing for the future in my eyes.

And slugging away for pennies on the dollar just to pay my bills as a struggling veteran (divorced, credit ruined, etc) I sure didn’t feel “Free”.

So when I had a chance to blaze a career path through digital marketing, work for myself and set my own schedule, I took the leap in 2009.

It’s been a fun ride and interesting road that became less about “making money online” and more about becoming the best version of myself, so I could live the life I wanted.

While I’ve never been the guy to flash the mansions and lambo’s, what I have done with internet marketing is create a level of freedom I could have only imagined back then.

And not just for myself, others who’ve learned and applied the stack multiply method too.

The guy with the tatoos and the cool pants there, is my college roommate, Justin Sardi. He runs a lil business these days that does some stuff on YouTube. I think he’s kind of a big deal now 🙂

He was the first one I ever taught what I was learning to do online and offline, a couple years into the process, and he’s done some amazing things since to the tune of multi-7-figures in sales.

Over the years I’ve learned how to generate income from digital marketing in a variety of ways and have settled into niches that work well for me. I recommend you do the same!

The key to it all though, has been the Stack Multiply method.

By learning how to build a list, create winning offers, design killer sales funnels, sell high ticket services and digital products like information or software I’ve opened MANY doors for myself.

(Ask me about the Flava Flav at 4am Story Sometime)

Same with Justin, Lina, James, Robert and others who are using it successfully.

The best part is the systems, templates and strategic partnerships developed over the years make the ‘work’ seem easy and fun.

Most importantly, it allows you to create multiple streams of income from what you’re already doing.

I used to think it was a pipe dream to “make money while you sleep” but I can’t even count the days that sales have came in while I was at the beach, a concert, a date, you name it.

And to top it off, the skills learned by implementing the Stack Multiply method, only enhance YOUR indivual value.

The internet is booming and things like funnels, sales copy and digital marketing consulting are only becoming more valueable in the process.

As of this writing, the “average” digital marketing consultant, earns $140 an hour.

I bet my grandparents pounding the college drum didn’t see that one coming!

Look, if I can go from a struggling to get by vet to generating a very comfortable income and having complete freedom of my time, you can too.

If my college roommate and former construction worker can generate milllions in sales too, then it’s possible for others.

I can’t guarantee anything, that’s how it works.

But I can do my best to provide value, a roadmap and give you the keys to the system.

I’m looking forward to hearing your success stories and all the freedom it brings you along the way.

– Neil “Don’t touch that RPG” Macpherson